End of Year Event

At the end of academic year, the Neuroscience Program celebrates achievements, honors, retirements, milestones, and other accomplishments by its members. These may include reaching 5, 10, 15, 20 year milestones in employment, reaching academic milestones such as completing the First Year Project, the Qualifying Exam, Prelim or Final, graduation and retirement.
At this event, several awards are presented that students are eligible for through nomination, some with token gifts and others cash prizes. Students also pick up their "milestones," small translucent stones marking achievements made during that academic year. Volunteers are celebrated and recognized as the Program relies on their generosity with their time, energy, and creativity.
Several documents were available at the End of Year Reception and may be accessed here. Look for the menu buttons below.
- Program - Outline of the Reception event and listing of 2018-2019 volunteers
- 2018-2019 End of Year Report - Faculty and student honors and milestones achieved
- Student Publications - Publications from the Neuroscience students during the academic year
- Faculty Publications - Publications from the Neuroscience faculty during the academic year

C. Ladd Prosser Graduate Student Research Award
The C. Ladd Prosser Graduate Student Research Award is available each year to Neuroscience Program Graduate Students in Good Standing. This award recognizes the research contribution of a Graduate Student that stands out as THE BEST SCIENTIFIC ACHIEVEMENT with THE BROADEST SIGNIFICANCE for the discipline of neuroscience.
Neuroscience faculty members may nominate a student from that academic year, even if their degree had been conferred, as long as they were registered in either the Summer, Fall or Spring. The graduate student is required to submit a 1000 word or less research summary and the faculty member a letter supporting the reserach contribution and achievement.
The Prosser Award Winner is selected by the NSP Executive Committee, announced at the End of Year Awards and Recognition Event with a certificate. A prize of $750 is processed through the Beckman Business Office.

NSP Graduate Student Forebrain, Achievement, Outreach, Excellence Award
The Neuroscience Program may choose to select one to two Neuroscience Program Graduate Students in Good Standing, who exemplify the qualities and ideals of the Program and recognize them for their efforts above and beyond the general expectations of Neuroscience students. This can be in the area of leadership, outreach, organization, spirit, and volunteerism. Faculty members, graduate and undergraduate students may nominate a student by emailing nsp@life.illinois.edu and explain why a particular student's efforts make them an exemplary student, why they stand out and above the efforts of those around them, and what affects their actions may have had on the Program, students, research, campus or community.
The NSP Award is selected by the NSP Staff, based on performance, nominations and comments from students, faculty, and other University members. It is announced at the End of Year Awards and Recognition Event with a certificate. A prize of $250 is processed through the Beckman Business Office.