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NSO - Neuroscience Student Organization

The NSO is a student organization whose mission is to:

  1. Represent student interests for the program
  2. Organize program-related activities
  3. Organize and facilitate social events

The NSO is structured with an executive board led by a president, vice president, social chair, and secretary.  Sub-committees are appointed by the Executive Board as needed throughout the year.  The NSO includes all students who are members of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Neuroscience Graduate Program.

President:  Qianlu Feng    qianluf2@illinois.edu

Vice President:  Chen Huang    chenh3@illinois.edu

Secretary:  Sarah Asif    sasif3@illinois.edu 

Treasurer:  Dajin Cho    dajinc2@illinois.edu

Social Chair/Historian:  Teresa Warren   teresaw3@illinois.edu

Meet the NSO Team

Email the NSO Board Members:  nsp-nso@illinois.edu

NSO Website

NSO Steward

Departmental stewards liaise with the grad student union to advocate for departmental needs, etc. They are also generally a person for the union to reach out to if there are TA grievances.

NSO Steward  Jake Maxon   jmaxon2@illinois.edu 

Upcoming NSO Events

suggestion boxHave an idea or suggestion?  Send it in:

NSO Suggestion Box

Academic and Outreach Clubs and Groups

Social, Athletic and Other Clubs and Groups