
The Neuroscience Program publishes a weekly email newsletter of Neuroscience Program events, news, and other upcoming events that would be of interest to our Neuroscience email list.  This will be sent on Sunday afternoon at 5:00 PM for events the following week.  Any faculty, staff, or graduate student may submit a post to the Weekly Announcements.

Those on the listservs will automatically receive this newsletter.  For those not on the listserv, there will be a subscribe link on the bottom of the Weekly Announcements.  Contact NSP with questions or comments about the submission process.


Posts must be received by noon on Friday to be considered for the next week's email.


A post must be related to University sponsored programs and events or those that would support continued learning for those in the Program.  Personal, commercial, and non-relevant posts are not appropriate.  

The editors reserve the right to clarify announcements.


Emails are delivered with HTML formatting.  Standard email clients that fully support HTML will work properly such as Outlook, Gmail, Hotmail and Yahoo.