Information about the Lam Lab.
The Lam Lab develops advanced magnetic resonance-based molecular neuroimaging and data analysis methods and applies these novel technologies to study brain function at normal and diseased states through interdisciplinary collaborations. We have strong interests in multi-nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopic imaging (MRSI), multimodal neuroimaging, and the developments of task-driven image formation methods by integrating physics-based modeling, biological prior information, and computational methodologies. We collaborate with colleagues with diverse expertise across the campus and the nation to translate these technologies to address important neuroscience and clinical questions.
We are a new lab and seeking motivated students with a strong engineering background as well as strong interest in biomedical imaging and neuroscience to join our group. You can play a part in setting a strong foundation for the future of our lab. Contact our Principal Investigator if you would consider joining our lab. Contact information can be found near the bottom.
Our Principal Investigator is Fan Lam.
Check out our website here to learn more.