Give to the Neuroscience Program

Female graduate in cap and gown

Our program relies on the generous support of alumni and friends to provide the best possible learning and research environment for our students and faculty members. 

Donor support allows us to:

  • Offer scholarships to the most competitive graduate students, as well as to those with financial need
  • Provide exceptional learning and professional development opportunities for our students
  • Bring in top neuroscientists from a wide range of research areas to give weekly seminars to faculty and students
  • Recognize faculty and student achievement in research contributions, outreach, service to the Program, and leadership
  • Maintain location at the Beckman Institute, a state-of-the-art facility that houses important research and teaching
  • Provide support for off-campus special courses and research exchanges

The Neuroscience Program guarantees funding for its students in addition to tuition waivers.  Funding for the Neuroscience Program comes from budgeted State funds along with tuition remission funds.  To allow for additional programming and fellowship support, the Program hopes you will consider giving to one of the available funds. 

Dr. Albert Feng Neuroscience Graduate Research Support Fund


The Dr. Albert Feng Neuroscience Graduate Research Support Fund was added September 2021, in loving memory of Dr. Albert S. Feng, former director of the Neuroscience Program. This fund supports neuroscience graduate student research, with a focus on students engaged in molecular and integrative physiology.  Dr. Feng was a beloved faculty member, inspiration to many, and a welcoming presence.

Give to the Dr. Feng Research Support Fund

Founders of Science Fellowship Fund


The Founders of Neuroscience Fellowship Fund is a new fund set up to create an endowment that will provide for an annual fellowship for a Neuroscience Program student.  This fund honors and acknowledges the hardwork of the many founders of our Program who laid the groundwork from the Neural and Behavioral Biology Program to the present day Program.

According to a recent survey done by the Society for Neuroscience, one of the greatest barriers to graduate schools expanding their neuroscience programs is access to funding.  It is the hope, through the creation of this fund to be able to continue to bring in and expand the Program by providing a fellowship.  This fellowship is granted by the Program Coordinator and the Executive Director.

Give to the Founders of Science Felloship Fund

Neuroscience Program Support Fund


The Neuroscience Program Support Fund provides unrestricted funds for the Neuroscience Program.  Unrestricted funds are used  to handle costs that other funding may not cover. Unrestricted funds provide a pool of available resources that can easily be directed to where they are needed most.  This includes things such as student and faculty support, research support, and research aid.

Annual awards to students for things such as Outstanding Research Contribution and Outstanding Contributions to the Program are provided by this fund.  These are an important means by which the program encourages our students' outstanding work.

Events such as the Graduate Student Appreciation Night are also funded through the Program Support Fund allowing the unit to provide an opportunity for building student unity and showing appreciation from the Program.

Give to the Neuroscience Program Support Fund


Boost your donation by matching gifts

Many companies will match even double or triple your gift to the college. Simply request and complete the Matching Gift Form from your company's Human Resources Office, then mail it along with your gift check. See if your company has a matching gift program.

More ways to give

Every gift reflects a shared belief that a higher education is important to society. See these other ways in which you can support your alma mater.

For more information

Office of Advancement
College of Liberal Arts and Sciences
University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign
105 S. Gregory Street
Urbana, IL 61801

telephone: 217-333-7108 or 877-265-4910 (toll free)

Your gift is tax deductible as allowed by law.