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Xiaotang Lu

Assistant Professor

Additional Campus Affiliations

Assistant Professor, Chemistry
Affiliate, Carl R. Woese Institute for Genomic Biology

Recent Publications

Han, X., Lu, X., Li, P. H., Wang, S., Schalek, R., Meirovitch, Y., Lin, Z., Adhinarta, J., Murray, K. D., MacNiven, L. M., Berger, D. R., Wu, Y., Fang, T., Meral, E. S., Asraf, S., Ploegh, H., Pfister, H., Wei, D., Jain, V., ... Lichtman, J. W. (2024). Multiplexed volumetric CLEM enabled by scFvs provides insights into the cytology of cerebellar cortex. Nature communications, 15(1), Article 6648.

Bidel, F., Meirovitch, Y., Schalek, R. L., Lu, X., Pavarino, E. C., Yang, F., Peleg, A., Wu, Y., Shomrat, T., Berger, D. R., Shaked, A., Lichtman, J. W., & Hochner, B. (2023). Connectomics of the Octopus vulgaris vertical lobe provides insight into conserved and novel principles of a memory acquisition network. eLife, 12.

Lu, X., Han, X., Meirovitch, Y., Sjöstedt, E., Schalek, R. L., & Lichtman, J. W. (2023). Preserving extracellular space for high-quality optical and ultrastructural studies of whole mammalian brains. Cell Reports Methods, 3(7), Article 100520.

Pavarino, E. C., Yang, E., Dhanyasi, N., Wang, M. D., Bidel, F., Lu, X., Yang, F., Francisco Park, C., Bangalore Renuka, M., Drescher, B., Samuel, A. D. T., Hochner, B., Katz, P. S., Zhen, M., Lichtman, J. W., & Meirovitch, Y. (2023). mEMbrain: an interactive deep learning MATLAB tool for connectomic segmentation on commodity desktops. Frontiers in Neural Circuits, 17, Article 952921.

Fang, T., Lu, X., Berger, D., Gmeiner, C., Cho, J., Schalek, R., Ploegh, H., & Lichtman, J. (2018). Nanobody immunostaining for correlated light and electron microscopy with preservation of ultrastructure. Nature Methods, 15(12), 1029-1032.

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