Contact Information
407S Goodwin Ave
Urbana IL 61801
Research Areas
Research Interests
Neurophysiology, Glial-neuronal interaction, Motor learning and memory, Neurotoxicology
Member of the Xinzhu-Yu lab
Research Description
Understanding the mechanism of learning and memory has been a persistent question, and the function of astrocytes in encoding motor memory has not been elucidated in Neuroscience. Our lab works on the function of astrocytes using two-photon in vivo calcium imaging and a motor skill learning paradigm. My project aims to investigate how physiological and transcriptional changes of cortical astrocytes and neurons coordinate to control motor learning and memory.
2009 - 2013 Inje University (South Korea) - Bachelor of Nursing
2015 - 2019 University of Texas at Arlington - B.S. Microbiology
Awards and Honors
2021 - current Interdisciplinary Environmental Toxicology Program (IETP) Scholar