Contact Information
Research Areas
Research Interests
Integrative approaches to brains, behavior, and evolution
Research Description
The goal of our research is to explore underlying mechanisms to understand how brains and behavior can be both strikingly flexible and remarkably robust, and how these phenomena simultaneously give rise to widespread similarities and prodigious diversity in animal behavior. We use integrative approaches to address these questions across hierarchical levels of biological organization (from gene networks, to neural circuits, to physiology, to behavior) and timescales (from immediate, to developmental, to evolutionary). We believe that fundamental principles governing brains and behavior are most apparent in evolutionary and developmental contexts, and we therefore combine lab and field studies to understand variation and adaptation in ecologically relevant behaviors.
Postdoctoral Fellow (2017-2020) Stanford University, Stanford CA
Postdoctoral Fellow (2015-2017) Harvard University, Cambridge MA
PhD (2009 - 2015) Colorado State University, Fort Collins CO
BA (2003 - 2007) Cornell University, Ithaca NY
Additional Campus Affiliations
Assistant Professor, Evolution, Ecology, and Behavior
Assistant Professor, Center for Latin American and Caribbean Studies
Affiliate, Carl R. Woese Institute for Genomic Biology
External Links
Recent Publications
Parrish, T. Q., & Fischer, E. K. (2024). Tap dancing frogs: Posterior toe tapping and feeding in Dendrobates tinctorius. Ethology, 130(7), Article e13465. https://doi.org/10.1111/eth.13465
Podraza, M. E., Moss, J. B., & Fischer, E. K. (2024). Evidence for individual vocal recognition in a pair-bonding poison frog, Ranitomeya imitator. Journal of Experimental Biology, 227(3), Article jeb246753. https://doi.org/10.1242/jeb.246753
Surber-Cunningham, L. L., Oza, S. S., & Fischer, E. K. (2024). Chemical cues of conspecific predation elicit distinct behavioural responses in cannibalistic poison frog tadpoles. Animal Behaviour, 208, 79-89. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.anbehav.2023.12.003
Fischer, E. K. (2023). Form, function, foam: evolutionary ecology of anuran nests and nesting behaviour. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B: Biological Sciences, 378(1884), Article 20220141. https://doi.org/10.1098/rstb.2022.0141
Moss, J. B., Tumulty, J. P., & Fischer, E. K. (2023). Evolution of acoustic signals associated with cooperative parental behavior in a poison frog. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 120(17), Article e2218956120. https://doi.org/10.1073/pnas.2218956120