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Jonathan Cerna

Advisor: Manuel Hernandez


Jonathan is a doctoral student in Neuroscience. He received his B.S. in Dietetics from Iowa State University, and his M.S. in Nutritional Sciences from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign. His research interests focus on the relationship and effects of modifiable lifestyle behaviors, with an emphasis on non-traditional modes of physical and mental training, such as yoga, Tai Chi and meditation. He enjoys reading, cooking, practicing yoga and meditation, and being active in all kinds of ways, among other things. 

Research Interests

Member of the Mobility and Fall Prevention Laboratory 

Research interests: Modifiable lifestyle behaviors and their interactive/synergestic effects on cognitive health, non-traditional modes of exercicse and cognitive training (e.g., yoga, tai-chi, meditation, etc), non-canonical states of consciousness, neurophenomenology, large-scale brain connectivity 


B.S. Dietetics - Iowa State University 

M.S. Nutritional Sciences - University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign

Awards and Honors

Please see CV.

Courses Taught

PSYCH 100 (Fall 2022, Spring 2023)


Highlighted Publications

He, M., Cerna, J, Matthew, R, Dogan, A, Zhao, J, Spina, E, Clore, JL, Sowers, R, Hsiao-Wecksler, E. T., & Hernandez, M. E. Physical, Objective Anxiety Level Classification Using Unsupervised Learning and Multimodal Physiological Signals. IEEE/ACM Conference on Connected Health: Applications, Systems and Engineering Technologies (CHASE). 2025.

Alkurdi, A, He M, Cerna J.; Clore J, Sowers R, Hsiao-Wecksler, E.T, Hernandez M.E. Extending Anxiety Detection from Multimodal Wearables in Controlled Conditions to Real-World Environments. Sensors. 2025.

Cerna J, Gupta P, He M, Ziegelman L, Hu Y, Hernandez ME. Tai Chi Practice Buffers Aging Effects in Functional Brain Connectivity. Brain Sci. 2024.

Kim, J.; Martell, S.G.; Cerna, J.; Erdman, J.W. Jr.; Adamson, B.; Motl, R.W.; Khan, N.A. The Mediating Effects of Intra-Individual Variability on Attentional Inhibition in Multiple Sclerosis. J. Multipl. Scler. 2024. 

Hu Yang, Huang M., Cerna, J., Kaur, R., Hernandez, M.E. Tai Chi Expertise Classification in Older Adults Using Wrist Wearables and Machine Learning. Sensors 2024.

He, M., Cerna, J, Alkurdi, A, Dogan, A, Zhao, J, Clore, JL, Sowers, R, Hsiao-Wecksler, E. T., & Hernandez, M. E. Physical, Social and Cognitive Stressor Identification using Electrocardiography-derived Features and Machine Learning from a Wearable Device. Proceedings of the 2024 Engineering in Medicine and Biology Society International Meeting. 2024.

Kim J, McKenna CF, Askow AT, Salvador AF, Scaroni SE, Cerna J, Cannavale CN, Paluska SA, De Lisio M, Petruzzello SJ, Burd NA, Khan NA. Higher Protein Intakes does not Modulate Resistance Training-Induced Changes in Myokines and Cognitive Function in Middle-aged Adults. J. Cogn. Enhanc. 2024.

Moreno Carbajal PB, Corrales Camargo NE, Espinoza-Gutiérrez R, Calleja-Núñez JJ, Montero-Herrera B, Cerna J, Aburto-Corona JA. Energy Expenditure Validation of an Exergame Platform: Ring Fit Adventure Use in Adults with Overweight and Obesity. Games health J. 2024.

Cerna J, Edwards CG, Martell S, Anaraki Athari N, Walk ADM, Robbs CM, Adamson BC, Flemming IR, Labriola L, Motl RW, Khan NA. Neuroprotective Influence of Macular Xanthophylls and Retinal Integrity on Cognitive Function among Persons with Multiple Sclerosis. Int. J Psychophysiol. 2023.

Voss S, Cerna J, Gothe NG, Yoga Impacts Cognitive Health: Mechanisms via NeurophysiologicalChanges and Stress-regulation. Exerc Sport Sci Rev. 2023.

Kim J, McKenna CF, Salvador AF, Scaroni SE, Askow AT, Cerna J, Cannavale CN, Paluska SA, De Lisio M, Petruzzello SJ, Burd NA, Khan NA. Cathepsin B and Muscular Strength are Independently Associated with Cognitive Control. Brain Plast. 2022;1–15.

Kim J, Bollaert RE, Cerna J, Khan NA. Moderate-to-Vigorous Physical Activity is Related with Reti-nal Neuronal and Axonal Integrity in Persons with Multiple Sclerosis. Neurorehabilitation and Neural Repair. 2022.

Cerna J, Anaraki NSA, Robbs CM, Adamson BC, Flemming IR, Erdman Jr. JW, Labriola L., Motl RW, Khan NA. Macular Xanthophylls and Markers of the Anterior Visual Pathway among Persons with Multiple Sclerosis. J Nutr. 2021.