Neuroscience, PhD, Washington University St. Louis
Additional Campus Affiliations
Assistant Professor, Statistics
Assistant Professor, Bioengineering
Assistant Professor, Beckman Institute for Advanced Science and Technology
Recent Publications
Singh, M. F., Braver, T. S., Cole, M., & Ching, S. (2025). Precision data-driven modeling of cortical dynamics reveals person-specific mechanisms underpinning brain electrophysiology. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences, 122(3).
Levenstein, D., Alvarez, V. A., Amarasingham, A., Azab, H., Chen, Z. S., Gerkin, R. C., Hasenstaub, A., Iyer, R., Jolivet, R. B., Marzen, S., Monaco, J. D., Prinz, A. A., Quraishi, S., Santamaria, F., Shivkumar, S., Singh, M. F., Traub, R., Nadim, F., Rotstein, H. G., & Redish, A. D. (2023). On the Role of Theory and Modeling in Neuroscience. Journal of Neuroscience, 43(7), 1074-1088.
Etzel, J. A., Brough, R. E., Freund, M. C., Kizhner, A., Lin, Y., Singh, M. F., Tang, R., Tay, A., Wang, A., & Braver, T. S. (2022). The Dual Mechanisms of Cognitive Control dataset, a theoretically-guided within-subject task fMRI battery. Scientific Data, 9(1), Article 114.
Singh, M. F., Cole, M. W., Braver, T. S., & Ching, S. (2022). Control-theoretic integration of stimulation and electrophysiology for cognitive enhancement. Frontiers in Neuroimaging, 1.
Singh, M. F., Cole, M. W., Braver, T. S., & Ching, S. N. (2022). Developing control-theoretic objectives for large-scale brain dynamics and cognitive enhancement. Annual Reviews in Control, 54, 363-376.